Unlocking Potential: CIS Graduation Campaign



Donate today and help us make graduation a reality for all our students!

As the Class of 2024 prepares to embark on their next chapter, we're rallying together to ensure that future grads have the support they need to reach the finish line. With your generous contributions, we aim to raise $15,000 to provide students with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to thrive.

Your donation to Communities In Schools supports programming in 45 schools across South Carolina, helping us surround more than 26,000 students with a community of support. Donate any amount today to help us meet our $15,000 fundraising goal.

  • $50 provides one week of case management for a student
  • $200 provides one month of case management for a student
  • $2,000 provides one year of case management for a student

At Communities In Schools, we believe that every student deserves a chance to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances. By supporting our Graduation Campaign, you're not just investing in education – you're investing in the leaders, innovators, and changemakers of tomorrow.

Join us in making a difference and invest in students today!

Your Donation Amount


To make a donation by mail, please send a check with your contact information to:

Communities In Schools of South Carolina 
c/o Jennifer Harris
1691 Turnbull Avenue, Suite 200
North Charleston, SC  29405


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